
We help nonprofits and charities get started, maintain legal compliance, and achieve their missions.

Our Services

We represent nonprofits with startup, including forming nonprofit corporations and other legal entities. Startup often includes preparing bylaws, resolutions, consents, and policies for the organization.

We also prepare IRS applications for tax exemption, including for §501(c)(3) and other organizations. Obtaining federal tax exemption has become more difficult and complex in recent years, and our experience can help you navigate the process more easily and quickly. If the IRS has questions or objections about the application, we can respond and advocate for you.

Our work with nonprofit governance doesn’t end with the startup. Both new and well-established nonprofits rely on us for advice about their ongoing operations and governance. We help charities and nonprofits comply with the special regulations that are applicable to them, including charitable solicitation registrations and compliance, tax reporting, and recordkeeping requirements. We draw on our experience both as attorneys and as nonprofit board members to help our clients succeed.

We’ve had the privilege of representing many charities that are doing great work. If you’re our nonprofit client, we make it our mission to help you achieve yours.

Let us start helping you today by calling (484) 948-1428 or by filling out the contact form below.